March 12, 2021

Are you using an e-commerce platform that is right for your business?

If you are still using a traditional proprietary platform for your e-commerce business, you could be missing out on a lot. Here’s why:

E-commerce is expanding rapidly. Platforms like Shopify, Magento etc. have surfaced over the years to support this trend. With a large number of businesses setting up shop on these, competition peaked. So, platforms like Shopify shed their humble beginnings to evolve into more powerful solutions with new features and apps developed and added by their global teams of developers. Some of these include integration of Facebook Shop, umpteen payment gateways, new digital marketing and monetization techniques etc. As a result, proprietary solutions could no longer keep up with them. This is exactly why we took a decision to migrate the huge proprietary e-commerce system of our client, Kill The 8, to Shopify. We have successfully migrated 200 stores with 80,000 products and 10 million customers along with providing a variety of customization solutions.