Have you considered opening a store on Facebook?
Even if you are not on Shopify, we can have your shop displayed on social media networks like Facebook where your followers can check out the new products and buy them without having to leave Facebook. Our developers have implemented this for our client, Kill The 8.
Why would you limit your sales to only one channel and be invisible to users on other channels?
One of our clients, Rainvac, had been using an OpenCart e-commerce platform for some years. But he wanted to sell his product line on Amazon, e-Bay, and Overstock as well. However, he wanted to use the OpenCart platform for fulfillment of all his orders. Hence, we used Amazon, e-Bay, Overstock web services/webhooks etc. to sync the orders and shipping information
Can you take Shopify to where it has never been?
You must have heard of associating one Facebook shop to one Shopify store. Would you be surprised if we told you that we have not only achieved hosting multiple brands with their identities intact in one Shopify shop but have also connected each brand with its respective Facebook shop? The concept of having one Facebook shop for every Shopify shop did
Can you host multiple shops within a single Shopify Shop?
That may be a challenge, but it isn’t impossible for us. While working with our client, Kill The 8, we faced a challenge of hosting multiple brands on a single Shopify shop. The problem with this was that the brands could end up losing their exclusivity and risk using the same theme as the others for displaying their products. To overcome this,
Are you using an e-commerce platform that is right for your business?
If you are still using a traditional proprietary platform for your e-commerce business, you could be missing out on a lot. Here’s why: E-commerce is expanding rapidly. Platforms like Shopify, Magento etc. have surfaced over the years to support this trend. With a large number of businesses setting up shop on these, competition peaked. So, platforms like Shopify shed their humble